
Are you a DPS approved CCTV company? Many people call us and ask this question. We would like to clarify that we are a DPS approved CCTV company in Dubai. Department of Protective Systems (DPS) is the regulatory authority of Dubai Police for Security system solutions in the Emirate of Dubai. DPS has specified the minimum requirement of Security surveillance systems in general public area, malls, restaurants, shops, hospitals, hotels and other high value metal commodities show rooms, shops and ware house. This is to ensure the protection for capital investments and any other security threats and incidentals. Dubai Police has access to certain areas of the security systems provided in these locations and they receive an alarm.

The companies having DPS approval in Dubai mean they are trusted by the authorities and have very good reputation in the state. There are hundreds of companies who are working in Dubai under the domain of the CCTV camera installation, but only few dozen of them are DPS approved, what does this mean? This means state trusts only a few companies and allows only few dozen companies to work under the license of the DPS. Different businesses, schools, colleges and even shopping malls try their best to hire company having DPS license because it makes more sense to them and the most interesting fact is our company Datazone is working under the license of the DPS, in short, we are DPS approved CCTV company in Dubai.

If you want to install CCTV in Dubai, you can enlist the services of Datazone Systems LLC. We are one of the emerging CCTV companies in Dubai that supply the equipment and installation services necessary for you to implement this security measure according to your needs. We at Datazone Systems LLC are proud to be recognized as one of the most reputed DPS certified companies in Dubai. We are instantly recognized as a trusted equipment provider, supplying high quality security equipment across a range of security essentials. We offer a great variety in cameras and related equipment’s our options can be cost-effective and efficient for your needs.

CCTV installations are the perfect solution to monitoring both your premises and valuables, both internally and externally. CCTV installation guarantee to capture every moment and will always show the truth! As a reputable and experienced CCTV installer, we can provide a dedicated CCTV installation specification and a high quality CCTV installation to suite any property and budget. We deal with different kinds of CCTV cameras and monitoring equipment, as well as providing expert installation and maintenance services. We have fully professional teams who knows the best inclinations and angles to install the CCTV cameras to minimize the security threats. Datazone has been working in this field from years and has the very good customer following as well.